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Diving into the World of AI & Machine Learning w/ Gabriel Bernadett-Shapiro

In this first workshop of our Advanced Alperovitch Workshops Series, we delved into the world of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning. We spent the first day exploring the foundational concepts of AI, and the transformative role of LLMs as sophisticated reasoning engines.

We spent the second day of the workshop completing hands-on capstone projects using and applying AI to automate and enhance a variety of tasks related to threat intelligence analysis.

Some scenes from our intensive workshop together:

Gabriel Bernadett-Shapiro’s AI lecture during day 1 of the intensive AI & LLM Alperovitch Advanced Workshop.
Thomas Rid in conversation with Gabriel Bernadette-Shapiro during the AI & LLM intensive workshop.
SAIS Hopkins students working in groups on their AI & LLMs capstone projects.